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This would ultimately make Bitcoin the global reserve currency of all of the other cryptochains. Sidechains would enable a way to transfer value between chains for faster confirmation times Wanted to give everyone an update. Just got done working with cryptochain and now you can send and receive ANTE tokens on your ledger. Ledger HQ still havent posted the release version of it but will be working on making a video to show users how you can use cryptochains tron app to install their tron app on your ledger Many threats we are facing in the Internet of Things are based upon insecure applications and protocol layers. Latest by heartbleed and blueborn the possibilities of broken cryptochains have raised dramatically. Even on chip level crypto and trust concepts are broken e.g.

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Wanted to give everyone an update. Just got done working with cryptochain and now you can send and receive ANTE tokens on your ledger. Ledger HQ still havent posted the release version of it but will be working on making a video to show users how you can use cryptochains tron app to …

Even on chip level crypto and trust concepts are broken e.g. the RSA encryption of Intels TPM chipset hack or Zigbee AES_CMM attack Bring4th is L/L Research's official social community site to exchange ideas and to discuss The Law of One principles. Only fresh and important news from trusted sources about inspector lewis avi today!

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